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Put-Call Ratio and Option Interest Analysis

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Time Interval & Expiry

Cumulative Open Interest

Cumulative OI Change

Individual Strikes

Exp : 2024-07-10 CALL PUT
STRIKE LTP Open Int. Change in OI OI Int. LTP Open Int. Change in OI OI Int.
51900 794.05 5,986 3,567 87 31,792 -8,319
52000 716.4 30,126 10,106 105 114,063 6,766
52100 638.4 9,077 5,956 127 25,461 894
52200 563.25 16,331 12,741 152.15 37,626 8,475
52300 495 25,024 20,541 187 56,256 31,684
52400 436 31,096 27,404 222.5 52,879 30,983
52500 380 109,310 86,215 262.25 123,828 41,993
52600 323 64,500 59,582 309 48,423 20,694
52700 278 66,135 58,322 360 33,378 -555
52800 235 49,196 34,932 420.6 19,151 -29,348
52900 199 38,898 6,364 479.65 18,421 -44,446
53000 167.95 152,272 37,310 548.05 62,159 -75,890
53100 141 79,025 12,525 622.05 25,328 -30,969
53200 117.95 88,589 16,596 704 17,465 -18,947
53300 97.55 50,162 13,375 777.8 9,645 -8,542
53400 80 46,824 17,451 855 7,537 -3,051
53500 66.4 130,859 53,296 952.9 12,547 -3,119
Total : 0 0 0 0

PCR Timeline for expiry : 2024-07-10

Recommended Strategy : PCR + Pivot Points got a good accuracy rate!

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What is Option Chain?

An option chain is a listing of all the available options contracts for a particular underlying asset, such as a stock, commodity, or currency. It typically includes the expiration date, strike price, and the bid and ask price for each option contract.

An option chain can be used to find the right options contract to trade. For example, a trader can use an option chain to find options contracts with expiration dates and strike prices that align with their investment goals and risk tolerance. They can also use the bid and ask prices to determine the price at which they can buy or sell an options contract.

What is Future & Options?

In futures trading, a buyer and seller agree to trade an underlying asset at a certain price on a future date. The buyer is obligated to purchase the asset, while the seller is obligated to sell it. This can be used to hedge against price changes in the underlying asset, or to speculate on future price movements. Options trading is similar, but it gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a certain price on or before a certain date. The buyer of an option pays a premium for this right. There are two main types of options: calls, which give the buyer the right to buy an underlying asset, and puts, which give the buyer the right to sell an underlying asset. Options can be used for hedging or speculation, as well as for creating more complex trading strategies.

Options trading is similar, but it gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a certain price on or before a certain date. The buyer of an option pays a premium for this right. There are two main types of options: calls, which give the buyer the right to buy an underlying asset, and puts, which give the buyer the right to sell an underlying asset. Options can be used for hedging or speculation, as well as for creating more complex trading strategies.

What is Put-Call Ratio (PCR)?

The put-call ratio is a technical indicator that compares the number of put options being traded to the number of call options being traded. It is used to gauge market sentiment and to identify potential buying or selling opportunities.

A put option is a financial contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell a specified underlying asset at a specified price within a specified time period. A call option is a financial contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy a specified underlying asset at a specified price within a specified time period.

When the put-call ratio is high, it indicates that more put options are being traded than call options, which can suggest that investors are more bearish and expect the underlying asset's price to decrease. When the put-call ratio is low, it indicates that more call options are being traded than put options, which can suggest that investors are more bullish and expect the underlying asset's price to increase.

Traders can use the put-call ratio as a way to gauge market sentiment. A high ratio indicates a bearish sentiment and a low ratio indicates a bullish sentiment. Traders also use this ratio as a way to identify potential buying or selling opportunities. For example, if the ratio is high, it may indicate a good opportunity to buy call options, while a low ratio may indicate a good opportunity to buy put options.

It is important to note that the put-call ratio is a short-term indicator and should be considered in conjunction with other technical and fundamental analysis. Additionally, it should be analyzed in context to the market conditions, such as the overall market trend and the underlying asset's own performance.