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Website Change Logs

We update Trade Shifu Auto Trender time to time, here we will mention what changes have been made to the website.

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10 Sep, 2023
  • Deliveries Analysis : Now filter stock based on deliveries with Delivery Scanner and Historical Delivery is also now available.
19 August, 2023
  • InChart OI : OI/Ltp Trend Graph feature added
Tap on PUT Side bar to see OI/Ltp Change Trend Graph.
15 August, 2023
  • InChart OI : Bug Fixes, Color coding is changed in InChart OI and Dashed Horizontal Line also added.
New Color Codes are as follow, this information is also available in InChart OI page itself.

Green Horizontal Line represents PUT Open Interest whereas Red Horizontal Line represents CALL Open Interest.

  • None Dashed Horizontal Line means highest PUT OI / CALL OI.
  • Big Dashed Horizontal Line means second PUT OI / CALL OI.
  • Small Dashed Horizontal Line means thired highest PUT OI / CALL OI.

Left side have CALL Data and Right side have PUT Data.

  • Red Bar in CALL Side means highest CALL OI Change (Note - PUT Side will never have Red Bar).
  • Green Bar in PUT Side mean highest PUT OI Change (Note - CALL Side will never have Green Bar).
  • Orange means second highest CALL/PUT OI Change in both side.
  • Dark Blue means third highest CALL/PUT OI Change in both side.

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Risk Disclaimer : The content provided by TrdeShifu AutoTrender does not include financial advice, guidance or recommendations to take, or not to take, any trades, investments or decisions in relation to any matter. TradeShifu Auto Trender does not guarantee 100% accuracy of data, The content provided is impersonal and not adapted to any specific client, trader, or business. Therefore TradeShifu Auto Trender recommends that you seek professional, financial advice before making any decisions. Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. There are inherent risks involved with trading, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is solely at your own risk, you assume full responsibility.
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